Net Authority writes:
Dear Joe Cypherpunk,
It has recently been brought to our attention that you are, or have been, in violation of the Net Authority Acceptable Internet Usage Guidelines. It has been reported that you distribute and/or view offensive materials over the Internet.
Net Authority has investigated these claims and verified that they are true.
As a result, your personal information has been added to one or more Net Authority Internet offender databases. Your information will be stored in the databases until enough evidence has been gathered against you to warrant further actions. To help avoid such a situation, it is strongly recommended that you cease your immoral actions on the Internet at once.
You have been added to the following databases: - Hate Literature Offenders - Pornography Offenders - Child Pornography Offenders - Bestiality Offenders - Homosexual Pornography Offenders - General Blasphemy Offenders
Poor Joe Cypherpunk. First Mike Echols called him an "Internet Child Sex Predator and Child Pornographer" and now this. Oh, the humanity. -- Eric Michael Cordian 0+ O:.T:.O:. Mathematical Munitions Division "Do What Thou Wilt Shall Be The Whole Of The Law"