The PGP 6.0 Manual is available in french
Y'know, I have yet to see a rational (non-marketing-speak) explanation of the advantages of switching to PGP 6.0... PGP 5.x appears to have no advantages over 2.6x, but when Windoze users began to "upgrade" to it, we had to rewrite our mailing list code, as -- of course -- it's mostly incompatible with 2.6x. Its other primary features -- public keys the size of Mack trucks, dog-slow decryption rates, and more complicated key management -- hardly count as advantages. So what's 6.0 got? Total incompatibility with previous versions? 10 MB executables? An additional bloatware serving "on the side"? Pah! It looks as if PGP today has more in common with Micro$oft Turd than the nice little "privacy for the masses" programme Phil wrote.