I don't know who you are referring too, but that comment is amusing, because it is exactly the kind of lambaste broadside that one hears on Faux news channel all the time. Anyway, I say that Saddam has human rights, just like everyone else, which includes due process, right to counsel, and to face your accusers in an open court that has legitimate authority to find you innocent or guilty. The US is clearly and wrongly doing the opposite of this, and if this makes me pro-Saddam, then I will wear the label proudly. Regards, proclus http://www.gnu-darwin.org/ -- Visit proclus realm! http://proclus.tripod.com/ -----BEGIN GEEK CODE BLOCK----- Version: 3.1 GMU/S d+@ s: a+ C++++ UBOULI++++$ P+ L+++(++++) E--- W++ N- !o K- w--- !O M++@ V-- PS+++ PE Y+ PGP-- t+++(+) 5+++ X+ R tv-(--)@ b !DI D- G e++++ h--- r+++ y++++ ------END GEEK CODE BLOCK------ [demime 0.97c removed an attachment of type APPLICATION/pgp-signature]