Yes. Clearly killfiling is a concept coterminous with censorship. I urge Reese to expand this campaign to people who change the channel too. -Declan At 05:37 AM 7/13/01 -1000, Reese wrote:
At 04:40 AM 7/13/01, Declan McCullagh wrote:
It doesn't bother me either way, so I have no real preference. (If such juvenalia did bother me, I would have resigned from cpunx 6 years ago.)
But you should know that it does make everyone feel a strong urge to killfile you. Consider this a fair warning.
Everyone? They've all told you? Whatever.
I think anyone who objects to profanity spoken out loud in their home is within their rights to take action, but anyone who would censor the rest of America as well (on a list absent a declared religious overtone or theme especially) is possessed of a certain personal problem that goes beyond a simple decision to refrain from use of profanity.
I'm not worried about being killfiled, it doesn't stop me from reading what others have to say and I am free to agree or disagree with what those others have to say. Free speech, even for the dumb (and censorious).