Personally, I prefer the strategy Israel uses with Palestinian territories' telephone booths. - They all come pre-installed with explosive devices that can be remotely activated, for example if and when a certain number is called (like mossad suicide-attack volunteer recruitment office.) Maybe US airplanes should have remotely activated explosive devices in them, so that when the next inevitable revenge of a revenge of a revenge highjacking occurs, the people in Washington can just press the button and explode the plane over the sea. I mean, now the fighters were too slow to shoot down the three first planes. (Yeah, it's just a "heroic passengers" cover-story for the ugly truth..) On Fri, 14 Sep 2001, attila! wrote:
Thu, 8pm EDT
As to be expected, the European left-wing liberal countries and their leaders are already back-sliding and urging the U.S. not to massively retaliate --eg: let the Islamists get away with their terror act.
Well, we can always count on the French to hope we fall on our face, and the Germans have neither patriotism nor spine.
The time to retaliate was in the first few hours while everyone was in shock and looking for blood; now Europe's pansy liberals have gone back to their usual condescending head-in-the-sand attitudes.
For France to say the U.S. had it coming, maybe France should be one of the targets?
The only way to stop terrorism is to make the people of the countries who succor and harbor the terrorists really feel the pain. Blow away a country or two --then ask "Next?" --after you have everyone's attention.
THAT is how you stop terrorism, George....