At 09:31 PM 7/1/02 -0700, Tim May wrote:
Unfortunately it is being introduced at the same time as there is legislation proposed, the SSSCA, to outlaw general purpose computers
Anyone who believes this, or even repeats it as a rumor, is on drugs.
I have half a dozen computers, all usable in various ways. Not even in a Chinese-type police state could these legally-acquired computers, acquired for a lot of money, be declared "outlawed."
Substitute "assault rifle" for "computer" and think about it, Tim. Or substitute "japanese american"... First you register them. Then declare them a public threat. Then you confiscate. Buying up your old-style computers will be cheap for the government. Most of the sheeple will be happy to unload them. What, you didn't register your Lisa? Better not use it online, your ISP will be required to check for a registration cert issued by the State.
Saying that general purpose computers lacking TCPA/DRM will be "outlawed" is silly.
Right, and a bayonet lug can't lead to a felony... And the sheeple can't be led to believe that "unpoliced" computers are used by terrorists and pirates bent on undermining the Amerikan ekonomy (tm)... Ah, to be as optimistic as Tim May on a fine summer day..