True that governmental dietary laws are immensely flexible when the dogs are hungry. Given that moral and financial and political betrayal and treachery do not qualify for grave natsec threat, and only those acts which aim at snatching the very best technology for political control, it's the NBC toys that attract most of the serious searchers for terrorists under the global bed. For crypto-in-a-crime that might mean sending here an encrypted message with an explanatory note that it contains, say: How to tell the difference between decoys and the real tranporters of nuclear components among the national labs and/or to Pantex for disassembly. Or where the recovered Pu and triggers are stored in the TX panhandle, helpfully describing what's fake and what's not, what the security plan is, not disinfo, what tools are needed to pick up emanations, how to weed the spoofs. Or what and where BW or CW armaments are being refreshed, repaired, deactivated, or invented in top secrecy just in case some rogue violates a treaty, what tools are needed to sniff precursors, how to weed the spoofs, and how to avoid seeded soil in your backyard. Or where key targeters of foreign terrorists live, their childrens' school, their favorite places to get away from the terrible responsibility for USG assassination politics. Or, could one encrypt a message to oneself claiming to contain such information, post it here, see who wants your heart and mind. Or, create a PK pair, encrypt such a message, then post it, both keys and PW here. Would the pacesetter be traced? Would anyone notice, though? Would waiting for the disaster be better strategy? Thousands of threats pour in, State says, Secret Service says, IC says, way too many to fully investigate, until one proves blessedly true, ah yes, the likely suspect, then marshal the targeters to cruise congress whispering look at this, to OK cleansweeping CDR, according to immensely flexible menus long set.