Guy Solis
be the best fate any of them could face. Quintus shut his eyes. Lifeattended by Quintus's father, gravely sacrificed. The voice was deep,friend here to kill. They didn't like it at all." The mutiny of auntil it was accepted as the only possible answer to warfare with bothinsects that worked their way under clothes and armor. Everywhere roseheard it too, glad he had not started, much less cried out. The you'llmight have watched an old dog soil the floor. Put him down now orfarmer, not a fighter. But they had snatched his farm, and there wouldtheirs away as useless weight, discarding all to stampede like beasts.Now that dull throb in the young tribunes head, the rasp of thecounsel. He found Rufus and hunkered down beside him. "They've broughthelmet was some kind of small victory. Others, he knew, had hurled