Sandy Sandfort writes:
On Sun, 7 Jul 1996, Simon Spero wrote:
On Sat, 6 Jul 1996, Timothy C. May wrote:
...she includes several "Ritalin" capsules with instructions on how to dose her son with this depressant/behavior modification drug.
Er... Tim... Ritalin is an amphetamine.
Yes, normally, but doesn't it have a paradoxical reaction for hyperactive children (i.e., it acts as a depressant for them)?
1) If you believe that Ritalin has a different effect on hyperactive children, that would seem to indicate that the May hypothesis that hyperactivity isn't a biological phenomenon is false. 2) Yes, it appears that Ritalin has s different effect on children with ADD, in that it reduces their symptoms. "depressant", though, isn't the right term. 3) Of course, this isn't a crypto mailing list any more, so why NOT discuss every topic under the sun. .pm