This email message gives you important information about using this list - please save it for future reference. Sending mail to the list ======================== To send a message to all fishroute list members, use a message with the following form (the email address is case insensitive): -------------------------------------------------------------- From: Brian Dorricott <> To: Subject: PROBLEM WITH LOADING PRODUCT Can anybody help me unzip my file? -------------------------------------------------------------- Leaving the list ================ To stop receiving messages from fishroute you will need to send a message to the list manager called "" with a command to remove you from the list. The list manager controls who belongs to the list. For example: -------------------------------------------------------------- From: Brian Dorricott <> To: Subject: <not needed> leave fishroute -------------------------------------------------------------- If you receive a message saying you are not a member but you are still getting messages, you could be subscribed as a different email address. In one of the errant messages, check for the "X-ListMember:" clause in the header of the message. It will have the form: X-listMember: [] which means that this message was from the list called "fishroute" and sent to the email address "". You can now leave the list by sending the message: -------------------------------------------------------------- From: Brian Dorricott <> To: Subject: <not needed> leave fishroute -------------------------------------------------------------- Requesting digests ================== Instead of getting each message from the list seperately, you may ask the list server to send you a compendium of all the messages that were sent that day. To do this, send a message to the list server with the command "DIGEST". For example: -------------------------------------------------------------- From: Brian Dorricott <> To: Subject: <not needed> digest fishroute -------------------------------------------------------------- The list manager will send you a confirmation message back and every 24-hours you will receive a single email message with a contents and each message listed in it. Requesting Files ================ This list has a set of files associated with it. These files may contain new software releases, frequently asked questions etc. The list server provides two commands to allow you to collect these file: DIR and GET. If you wish to obtainly a list of all the files associated with this list, send the following message to the list manager: -------------------------------------------------------------- From: Brian Dorricott <> To: Subject: <not needed> dir fishroute -------------------------------------------------------------- In return, you will get two messages. One is a transaction report (telling you the command was completed) and the second will be titled "Directory for fishroute" and would have a contents like: -------------------------------------------------------------- Directory for the list fishroute 1 INML301C.ZIP 2535788 bytes 2 INML302D.ZIP 2671264 bytes Directory for fishroute has 2 entries. -------------------------------------------------------------- Now you know the names of the files, you can request one to be sent to you using the GET command. Taking the example of INML301C.ZIP, we could use the command: -------------------------------------------------------------- From: Brian Dorricott <> To: Subject: <not needed> get fishroute -------------------------------------------------------------- Again, you will get two messages - the transaction report and a message containing the MIME encoded file (or the file if it is a text file). Where to report problems ======================== Should you still have any problems or questions, please email who will be happy to help.