At 03:29 PM 11/1/00 -0500, jim bell wrote:
What I'd like to see is for a state, any state, to apply some sort of "100% State Income Tax for People engaged in violating the right of citizens to make and use pot [for medicinal reasons, etc]."
Actually you can sue a government official (cop, clerk, etc) who violates your rights knowingly, and under 'color of authority'. The trick is convincing a jury that it was suitably malicious and obvious violation. E.g., false arrest because you look like a suspect won't cut it almost always. BTW, Calif is the 'other' state to have a proposition this year to dissolve the 'drug court' infrastructure and replace it with a medical (vs punitive) structure. Needless to say, the drug-court-workers don't like the possibility of taking their teat away. Interestingly, Tom Cambell (R from San Jose) who is running against Feinswine supports this proposition, and the Swine doesn't. Cambell also doesn't want to do Vietnam in Columbia, and the Swine does. Interesting reversal, eh?