17 Dec
17 Dec
6:17 p.m.
At 2:52 PM 2/22/96 -0500, Perry E. Metzger wrote:
Mike McNally writes:
At <URL:http://www.osf.org/~loverso/javascript/track-me.html> find some interesting "surveillance" applications of Javascript.
Okay. We have some netscape people here on this list.
When is the patch to let you disable JavaScript inside Netscape going to go out? Its more than time.
Why Perry, it's called Netscape 1.1N. :-) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Bill Frantz | The CDA means | Periwinkle -- Computer Consulting (408)356-8506 | lost jobs and | 16345 Englewood Ave. frantz@netcom.com | dead teenagers | Los Gatos, CA 95032, USA