On Sun, 20 Apr 2003, david wrote:
The concept of, and respect for private property are essential elements of individual liberty. They cannot be separated. There is an inverse proportion between the power the governments have over private property and freedom.
Actually that's so much whaledreck. They in fact are -not- related at all. In fact if one talks of 'individuals' then -no- concept of 'property' -ever- arises. It is only until one brings in two or more than -any- concept of 'property' has any meaning at all. The connection between 'private freedom' and 'property' is really a strawman. What matters is life, liberty, and the -pursuit of hapiness- and not collecting more 'stuff' than your neighbor. If anything it demonstrates an exception lack of maturity and excessive insecurity. -- ____________________________________________________________________ We are all interested in the future for that is where you and I are going to spend the rest of our lives. Criswell, "Plan 9 from Outer Space" ravage@ssz.com jchoate@open-forge.org www.ssz.com www.open-forge.org --------------------------------------------------------------------