At 08:25 PM 6/4/98 -0700, Max Inux wrote:
Now that Network General and Network Associates (McAfee) have merged (business wise aswell as buildings), I was wondering where the CypherPunks meetings are going to be at the old netgen building or the new (BIG) Network Associates ( building? And is it still gonna be at 12 on the second saturday of the month? (seeing as this saturday(first) is the NAI company picnic).
Cypherpunks meeting is almost always at the same time, but often changes locations, depending on the availability of meeting places and the whims of the organizers :-) This month, we'll be meeting in Berkeley, and as usual I'd appreciate anybody suggesting topics they'd like to talk about there. Thanks! Bill Bill Stewart, PGP Fingerprint D454 E202 CBC8 40BF 3C85 B884 0ABE 4639