At 12:38 AM -0400 9/18/98, Robert Hettinga wrote:
I spoke at the Electronic Payments Forum here in Boston today, and, tomorrow, the keynote for tomorrow's lunch is Ira Magaziner. ...
Anyway, In light of more recent crypto-shenanigans from Billary, and the fact that this thing's a small crowd, I figured I'd ask if anyone on these lists had a question they wanted me to ask him.
One question I'd like asked is whether the US Gov will approve 56-bit RC-4 for export on the same terms as 56-bit DES. That would allow export versions of web browsers to be upgraded painlessly, making international e-commerce 64 thousand times more secure than existing 40-bit browsers. (56-bit DES browsers would require every merchant to upgrade their SSL servers and introduce a lot of unneeded complexity.) Arnold Reinhold