Wei Dai wrote:
The way I see it, the problem with spam isn't that it takes too much effort to delete them, but that it discourages useful advertisement through email. Email could be a very efficient way for companies to send valuable information to potential customers, but the incentives are such that virtually all unsolicited commercial email are of very low value and are deleted without being read.
Those of us outside of the Microsoft Marketing Machine have a different opinion. Frankly, I do not want to make Bill Gates's latest advertising gimmick any more 'efficient' nor do I want to be his 'potential customer'. I have had just about enough crap from Microsoft, which is why I deleted JunkOS version 95, and use Linux instead. When I open up my email and find twenty pieces of spam, like most people I start hitting the delete key. Last week I got a call from a friend... "Didn't you get my email?" "uh... no..."