Social Security Administration Forum Privacy and Customer Service in the Electronic Age Monday, June 16, 1997 Georgetown U. Law Center Moot Court Room 600 New Jersey Ave. NW Washington D.C. 20001 Agenda: WELCOME 12-12:15 pm Welcome by Marc Rotenberg, Director, Electronic Privacy Information Center and Professor, Georgetown Law University Introduction of Dr. John J. Callahan, Acting Commissioner of the Social Security Administration PANEL #1 PRIVACY EXPERTS AND CONSUMER ADVOCATES 12:15-1:15 pm Leslie Byrne, Special Assistant to the President, and Director, U.S. Office of Consumer Affairs Harry Hammitt, Editor and Publisher, Access Report Newsletter Evan Hendricks, Editor and Publisher, Privacy Times and Chairman, U.S. Privacy Council Sally Katzen, Director, Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs, Office of Management and Budget Deirdre Mulligan, Staff Counsel, Center for Democracy and Technology PANEL #2 COMPUTER TECHNOLOGY EXPERTS 1:30-2:15 pm Edward G. Amoroso, Technical Manager, AT&T Laboratories Michael Angelo, Principal Member, Technology Staff, Compaq Corporation Dorothy E. Denning, Professor of Computer Science, Georgetown University David P. Jablon, Software Engineer and Cryptographic Specialist, Integrity Sciences, Inc. George Spix, Chief Architect Consumer Platforms Division, Microsoft Corporation PANEL #3 INTERNET COMMERCE, BANKING AND FINANCIAL PLANNING EXPERTS 2:30-3:15 pm Mark Greene, Vice President, Electronic Payments and Certification, IBM Internet Division Russ Housely, Chief Scientist, Spyrus, Inc. Charles Merrill, Partner, McCarter & English Law Firm Jahan Moreh, Chief Security Architect, Open Horizon, Inc. PUBLIC COMMENT PERIOD - 3:15 pm Members of public who have registered may speak for 4 minutes. The panel may ask questions following each individual's testimony, if desired. CLOSING REMARKS - 4:30 pm For more information and directions, see: http://www.ssa.gov/forums/washingtondc.htm More information on EPIC is available at http://www.epic.org/