17 Dec
17 Dec
6:17 p.m.
Tim May wrote: | At 9:08 PM -0800 1/21/98, William H. Geiger III wrote: | >Any opinions on it?? My only exposure has be through the pidgon-english | >posts of Nobuki Nakatuji (if it looks like a duck, it smells like a duck, | >it quacks like a duck ....). | | I wouldn't call Misty "snake oil." But it's also been thoroughly taken | apart and shown to be weak. Importantly, it was submitted by Mitsubishi for | peer review. Could you provide a pointer to the analysis paper? Adam ObCypherpunk: I think that 9mm is far superior to .45 due to its lower recoil. -- "It is seldom that liberty of any kind is lost all at once." -Hume