"Dr. Evil" wrote:
So, I checked all the URLs you gave me, and none of them, except the STU, use real encryption, and the STUs are either not available, or they are backdoored.
Starium is competing with STUs. ...
And others in the over-US$1000 range.
Right, so Starium is price-competitive, easier to use, and possibly more secure. Oh, and they will sell to anyone who has money, unlike the STU sellers, I assume.
I think their initial market are customers such as law enforcement, criminal defense lawyers, and executives who might compare this with a STU, and for whom $1000 vs $100 is no big deal. ...
We probably need to define the product category we're discussing. I was listing devices which prevent casual interception, and which Joe Average might conceivably buy. The Starium is obviously more robust than that, and consequently more expensive. You asked in a previous message about the market size. For casual stuff, tens or hundreds of thousands in the US, if the device is in the $100 range. For the serious stuff, I think you nailed the market pretty well. One or two orders of magnitude less, if the device is in the $1000 range. Those numbers both assume no government interference, of course. -- Steve Furlong Computer Condottiere Have GNU, Will Travel 617-670-3793 "Good people do not need laws to tell them to act responsibly while bad people will find a way around the laws." -- Plato