Back in 1999, Steve Lihn posted to cypherpunks and some other mailing lists about his new online payment system, He intended to work towards a blind coin system based on David Wagner's alternative to Chaum blinding, as implemented by Ben Laurie in the lucre library. Surprisingly, he is still in business. Some recent press releases: 8/15/01 eCoin OutExchange service is released. You can transfer fund to/from PayPal and e-Gold. Login and check it out. 7/25/01 Anonymous Cash Certificate is released. MMDH is finally in commercial use. Login and check it out. 6/30/01 PayPal Payment Interface is supported. Now you can transfer fund from your credit card by PayPal. 6/25/01 Managed Access Solution is released. Use eCoin to pay your subscription! 1/16/01 announces that e-Gold payment interface is formally supported. You will be able to purchase eCoins through your e-Gold account! Sounds like it might be worth it just for the transfer to/from PayPal. Also could be an alternative way to fund your e-Gold account anonymously. With the blinding it could be a real anonymous payment system. Credit card to PayPal, PayPal to eCoin, transfer eCoin anonymously, then from eCoin back to PayPal. Anyone want to try a transfer experimentally?