The academics think that TCPA technology is already solved. I haven't read the whole paper, but y'all might find it interesting. ----------------------Begin Forward ----------------------- From: Sean Smith <> Date: Wed, 10 Jul 2002 09:18:22 -0400 You know, as long as we're discussing this pile of issues of how do you bind keypairs to software entities, and what that means, etc., the ESORICS paper I mentioned (a revised version of an older tech report) has a lot of relevance. "How, before TCPA, I solved the problem of meaningfully binding keys to software entities in a tricky hardware environment." This work may have more relevance to open platforms than England et al admit... --Sean -- Sean W. Smith, Ph.D. (has ssl link to pgp key) Department of Computer Science, Dartmouth College, Hanover NH USA ---------------------------------------------------------------pkilabs-+ For list utilities, archives, subscribe, unsubscribe, etc. please visit the ListProc web interface at ---------------------------------------------------------------pkilabs-- ---------------------End Forward----------------------------------- Patience, persistence, truth, Dr. mike