In article ** unknown ** you write:
An interesting tidbit came to light while I was attending a demonstration of Lotus' cc:Mail and Notes products at the Boston NetWorld this month. During the Notes portion of the presentation someone asked how secure the information in the various databases was, and how the encryption was done.
Blah Blah Blah
Happily, the presenter said that Lotus refused to honor the FBI's request. Bravo!
Dick Joltes, Manager, Networks and Hardware, Harvard University Science Center joltes@husc.harvard.edu
I suppose that really means "Lotus *said* they refused to honour it.." Paranoid? Moi !? Stephen -- +--------------------------------------------------------------------------+ |Stephen Dunne DoD#767 sdun@isma.demon.co.uk | |International Securities Market Association I speak for me,thats all| |Voice (+44) 71-538-5656 Fax (+44) 71-538-4902 PGP 2.1 key available | |We are not affiliated to any other Demon.Co.Uk site. (especially Evil!) | +--------------------------------------------------------------------------+