The unknowed soldier writes:
What a fascinating idea! The govt. has declared code to be munitions (arms); the Second Amendment guarantees the right to "keep and bear arms."
Wish I'd thought of that.
For some strange reason your message made me think about Tim May's rant about laws regulating the size and method of transporting or carrying knives. Naturally, since 6" was the "standard" used in many places for years to define the line between legal and illegal intent for use of said "pointed instrument", I got to thinking about the possibility of the laws being transposed to apply to another common "pointed instrument" which is sometimes used as a tool and at other times is used as a weapon. My first thought was to wonder if my 18 1/2" would automatically make me a three-time loser and subject to lifetime imprisonment. My second thought was whether there would be corresponding laws requiring the weapon to be "sheathed" in one locale and "in plain sight" in another locale. Wish I hadn't thought of that. A. Felon