- Open to the public - PRIVACY SYMPOSIUM Georgetown University Law Center Washington, DC October 20, 1997 A public symposium entitled "Privacy at the Crossroads: Law, Technology, and Public Policy", will be held on October 20, 1997, at Georgetown University Law Center in Washington, DC. This symposium will look at emerging privacy issues in the legal and technological world, with a particular focus on the European Union Data Directive, privacy enhancing technologies, and the shape of privacy protection in the next century. These issues are rapidly coming to the fore with the adoption of the European Union Directive and the increasing interest in techniques to promote privacy protection, especially with the rapid flow and exchange of information that is possible with electronic data. Privacy has recently been the subject of hearings before the Federal Trade Commission and it is a central component of the new White House policy on Electronic Commerce. The symposium will take place on Monday, October 20, 1997, at the Gerwirz Center of the Georgetown University Law Center, 600 New Jersey Avenue, NW, Washington, DC. The program will begin at 9 a.m. and conclude at 4 p.m. Speakers will include many North American experts on privacy and technology issues, including law professors, technologists, and commentators. The symposium is sponsored by the Georgetown University Law Center, the John F. Connelly Program in Business Ethics, Georgetown University School of Business, the Communication, Culture, and Technology Program of Georgetown University, and the Electronic Privacy Information Center. This is a free event open to the public. No registration is required. If you have any further questions, please contact Shauna Van Dongen at <shauna@epic.org>. Program "PRIVACY AT THE CROSSROADS: LAW, TECHNOLOGY AND PUBLIC POLICY" Georgetown University Law Center Gewirz Student Center, 12th Floor 600 New Jersey Avenue, NW Washington, DC Monday, October 20, 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. 9:00 Welcome - Dean Allen, Prof. Levy, Prof. Drake, Prof. Rotenberg 9:15 The European Union Data Directive Moderator: Deborah Hurley, Kennedy School of Government Prof. David Flaherty, British Columbia Information and Privacy Commissioner Robert Gellman, Information and Privacy Consultant Prof. Priscilla Regan, George Mason University Prof. Paul Schwartz, Brooklyn Law School Prof. Peter Swire, Ohio State University College of Law 10:45 Privacy and Technology Moderator: Prof. Michael Froomkin, Univ. of Miami Law School Dr. Ann Cavoukian, Ontario Information and Privacy Commissioner Prof. Gary Marx, Woodrow Wilson Center Prof. Joel Reidenberg, Fordham Law School Prof. Paul Resnick, University of Michigan Peter Wayner, Cybertimes 12:15 Lunch 1:30 The Future of Privacy Moderator: Dean Anita Allen, Georgetown University Law Center Prof. Phil Agre, Univ. of California at San Diego Prof. Mary Culnan, Georgetown Graduate School of Business Prof. Helen Nissenbaum, Princeton University Prof. Alan Westin, Columbia University 3:00-4:00 Reception Sponsored by - Georgetown University Law Center, John F. Connelly Program in Business Ethics of the Georgetown University School of Business, Georgetown University Communication, Culture, and Technology Program [http://www.georgetown.edu/grad/CCT/], Electronic Privacy Information Center [http://www.epic.org/]