I noted with some interest, but little surprise, that the guy claiming MIT required a 4.0 GPA and a 1600 combined SAT score could barely spell, and had major problems making a coherent point. Methinks this is why MIT rejected him, not his lack of a "1600."
... Not to point out something obvious about this but the person who wrote this did not have "guts" enough or, just likes his privacy a bit more than the average person, to come out and write this non-anonymously. But since that isn't why I am writing this, I'll leave off of it for now. ... The reason I am writing this is because I am "the guy claiming MIT required a 4.0 GPA and a 1600 combined SAT score." I was informed this by my school counselor, along with many other things which are as equally "obnoxious" to my possible college acceptances. -- I did point out though, in my letter, that my connection was experiencing sever lag for some reason. I did narrow that down to being because my servers call in server and account server where on two different networks. Another point to this is that in my family I am the best speller. It is possibly genetic, but it is mostly because of where I grew up and the other "backwoodsy" things of my "youth". Now I realise this sounds like a bunch of excuses and such, and yes I guess it is, but I can if I sit down and think about something for a milli second longer than normal, and don't let my left hand out race my right hand, type things with propper grammer and spelling to my current extent. Now if the one who did post that "anonymously" would be so kind as to say such "brave" statements outloud without his or her precious "anonymousity" it would be much appreciated. Other than that, I do believe that is about it to this later. Goodnight and fare you "well" Erp ps -- please excuse the quotes, I was using them for mor eaccenting and well for words that fit in my own way. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Check my poetry page if you would like to see more of my bad spelling and horrendous grammer at: http://www.digiforest.com/~erp/poetry.html