Thomas Shaddack (2004-03-02 06:09Z) wrote:
And sure, you use FreeS/WAN, and a company I used to work for used it too. There are employees of many other companies who post to the FreeS/WAN lists. But that's hardly representative of the majority of companies.
"Majority" as in number of employees, or as in count? Do mom-and-pop shops count as companies? Do we count majority as a share of all companies, or only as a share of some-kind-of-a-VPN users?
Lots of suits use ipsec, and those suits run windows with pgpnet or some commercial ipsec roadwarrior "solution". Those seem to be the likely majority of ipsec endpoints. As for static ipsec links, where neither side is serving only one person, you may be right that the majority of companies have at least one using frees/wan. Maybe I'm underestimating the number of corporate inter-office VPNs or developer-to-employer tunnels, and maybe most of them use frees/wan. I really have no way to know. But my impression is that developer tunnels are quite rare, and that inter-office VPNs are outnumbered by roadwarriors who don't run linux. -- That woman deserves her revenge, and... we deserve to die. -Budd, Kill Bill