Thank you for downloading the free trial version of Net.Medic. For the next 30 days, you can test the full retail version by responding to the prompt that appears the first time you attempt to use one of Net.Medic's advanced features. After 30 days, Net.Medic will revert back to the trial version, providing you with a basic feature set that you can use indefinitely. If you'd like to purchase the fully-featured version, please visit the "How to Buy Net.Medic" section on our web site at to see where the product is available. Due to the overwhelming popularity of the free download, we regret that VitalSigns cannot offer you any direct technical support or assistance for this version. However, if you do encounter any problems installing or using Net.Medic, there are two key sources of information available to you: (1) Extensive on-line help is available from the Net.Medic toolbar by pressing the "Help" button (with the yellow question mark). (2) The "Technical Support" section on our Web site ( offers additional information, including Frequently Asked Questions, How to Interpret Net.Medic Results, etc. When you visit our Web site, and if you're an IT professional, ISP or webmaster, we invite you to check out our family of enterprise management products: -- Net.Medic Pro: a powerful diagnostic and monitoring tool that includes all the functionality of Net.Medic, and also lets webmasters continuously monitor the performance of Web servers and modem banks. -- VitalAnalysis: the first true intranet manager, measuring performance of intranet applications end to end, from application to wire, from one end of the network to the other, and back again. -- VitalHelp: a real-time fault management and remote diagnostic solution that enables help desks to monitor, detect and correct end-user network problems. Again, thank you for your interest in Net.Medic. Regards, VitalSigns Software