On Sunday, September 16, 2001, at 12:45 PM, Subcommander Bob wrote:
It appears Pakistan has closed the deal: we retire thirty billion in
At 12:18 PM 9/16/01 -0500, measl@mfn.org wrote: their
debt, and they agree to act as our proxy. Damn they're cheap!
Personally, I would have held out for a *lot* more...
They should get the Serbs to negotiate; they got $100 million for turning in Milosevic to the US. But with CI chiefs in FBI, CIA coming in at around a million each, they may have gone for the easy deal...
$30 billion in "debt forgiveness" to the Pakistanis, which will cause a dozen other countries to condition their support for anti-terrorism activities on debt forgiveness....gee, maybe the South American countries can get in on the act, convincing Sindero Luminoso to crash a 747 into DisneyWorld so that Brazil and Argentina can sign on and have _their_ debts forgiven? $30 billion to Pakistan, tens of billions to Israel and Egypt EVERY FUCKING YEAR, payoffs to Albana to keep on killing Macedonians and Serbs, a $10 billion bailout of the airline industry...the money just keeps on flowing! (Not to mention the $30 million given last week to Afghanistan. But, hey, at least they bought Stinger missiles with U.S. aid money! And if they use those Stingers to shoot down U.S. jets and helicopters, that'll help the war machine, and the defense industry, so everybody's happy!) Don't worry, be happy! Hey, I'm chortling. This whole thing is turning into a cluster fuck of epic proportions. It may bring on the collapse of the whole house of cards. --Tim May