White Supremacist Tim "I'd like to see a race riot" May Moroned: # I sort of hope the hundreds of lawyers sent down to # Florida by the Gore Team succeed in throwing the # election to Gore. Yes, the closely recounted votes will turn to Gore. Gore will be president. White Supremacist Tim "I'd like to see a race riot" May Moroned: # I don't expect hordes in the countryside, but we could see some # the Welfare Mutants and Inner City Maggots rioting, looting, # and shitting in their own nests. Most of South-Central LA remains # boarded up and economically wasted, which I think is poetic # justice. Let the Democrat "maggots and faggots" deal with Jesse # Jackson's promised race war. You've been specially targeted. The superior mutants (any mutants) will be setting your place on fire, and pick you and your family off should you decide not to be human marshmellows. Your burnt/shotup corpse will be positioned as typing on a terminal, with a final and appropriately humble message typed on the screen. That's what uppity minorities like you deserve.