-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- In <>, on 07/16/97 at 02:15 PM, John Deters <jad@dsddhc.com> said:
Please forgive me for following up to my own posting, but I just realized how close I was to a solution:
A Constitutional amendment that would call for the impeachment of the President for failing to veto any three bills that are overturned by the Supreme Court on Constitutional grounds.
Call it "The Failure to Do Your Job" amendment, or the "For Violating Your Oath" amendment. Maybe include a clause that stipulates the ex-President must also return any salary earned during his or her tenure.
I have a better solution: Any elected official or govenment employee found to have willfuly violated the Constitution of the United States of America should be draged to the capitol steps and promptly lynched. - -- - --------------------------------------------------------------- William H. Geiger III http://www.amaranth.com/~whgiii Geiger Consulting Cooking With Warp 4.0 Author of E-Secure - PGP Front End for MR/2 Ice PGP & MR/2 the only way for secure e-mail. OS/2 PGP 2.6.3a at: http://www.amaranth.com/~whgiii/pgpmr2.html - --------------------------------------------------------------- -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: 2.6.3a Charset: cp850 Comment: Registered_User_E-Secure_v1.1b1_ES000000 iQCVAwUBM80hAo9Co1n+aLhhAQFV0wQAiMc8PrveYpYjYBRvQUAMXZi1PjpzKa6h gw3TjXNOT7IP1l56ppmUYDAD/RzkgX7qU7oV9nKWd4BCsrYM4Rt2fWlYs/EOi9eg 7FqZD1jW1zh8IUzok1foPGrwD0ZAn+xd03X+xnGliWvj2bEGlM+6/03p6qpKGwSu nCxBwDXJKQo= =TNq5 -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----