Subject: quarantine on Clavius and corralitos. During a health emergency, health officials would be able immediately to take over any materials or facilities "as may be reasonable and necessary" for emergency response -- including the management of a health care facility and the rationing of medicine and other supplies if a shortage develops. They could compel a person to submit to a physical exam or test without a court order or be charged with a misdemeanor offense and face the possibility of forced isolation. Physicians and other health workers could be forced to do the testing or face criminal liability. Court orders would be required for quarantining someone, but faced with an immediate threat, officials could quarantine first and go to court afterward. The law sets forth a procedure for contesting court orders and for hearings on the need for continued isolation. Officials could compel people to be vaccinated or treated for infectious diseases, though not those likely to suffer serious harm from a vaccination. The law would shield officials and their agents from civil liability, except in cases of gross negligence or willful misconduct. [George] Annas, the Boston University critic, says that the law's major problem is that it gives "tremendous powers to unnamed and unaccountable public health officials to order people examined, treated, vaccinated or quarantined and do it with immunity unless acting with willful malice. Mousepox that was converted to a selective strain that infects white men only with 100% fatality rates is suspected.It is believed a professor R ,a molecular biologist accidently released the virus on a recent trip to sacramento.