WARNING : Not only is this off-topic but it is foolish as well. WARNING : Be careful when selecting a package size - shipping could become a problem UPS is recommended : -------------------- http://www.ups.com/using/services/packaging/wtsize-guide.html MAXIMUM PACKAGE LIMITATIONS The following weight and size limits apply to packages you send via all UPS domestic and international services: Up to 150 pounds or 70 kilograms (68 kilograms in Canada) Up to 130 inches or 330 centimeters in length and girth combined Up to 108 inches or 270 centimeters in length Note: Packages that exceed UPS weight and size limits are subject to an Over Maximum Limits charge. Refer to the UPS Tariff for details. HOW TO MEASURE SIZE Length is the longest side of a package or object. Girth is the distance all the way around the package or object at its widest point perpendicular to the length. Add Length and Girth measurements together to obtain total package size. FedEx is for small fry : ------------------------ http://rate.dmz.fedex.com/us/services/packaging/ If UPS can't handle IT, contact these guys : -------------------------------------------- Domestic : http://www.yellowfreight.com/ http://www.trucking-companies.com/ Export : http://www.maersk.com/ http://www.inchcape-shipping.com/index2.asp :)