Ross motherfucker Perot will be driving back from palookaville with digital deficit counter soon,I can feel it in my water. Weimer republic time-get your wheelbarrows on. Can the Gimp in chief make the case on Iraq? Maybe if offered an extra pretzel.hey Chimp boy remember this one? To suggest that the events and full story of Operation EAGLE CLAW / EVENING LIGHT are not historically important or significant would be inappropriate. It's more important to note and to remember that on April 24,1980, Eight RH-53D Sea Stallions took off from the flight deck of USS Nimitz. The mission of the RH-53D's and their mixed Navy and Marine Corp crews was to rendezvous with Air Force MC-130E Hercules aircraft and U.S. Army Delta Force troops at a secret place in Iran known as Desert One. The full accounting of the whole mission of Operation EAGLE CLAW / EVENING LIGHT remain with those hero's that were involved with the operation. On April 25, 1980, the mission was aborted at the desert refueling site. Subsequently, one of the helicopters collided with a C-130 Hercules aircraft resulting in the loss of eight lives. All other personnel were evacuated by the remaining C-130's. It's now over nineteen years since Operation EAGLE CLAW / EVENING LIGHT and I'm ashamed to admit that I cannot remember the names of those that died in the desert. That is not to suggest that I took part in the operation, because like most of you, I was safely back home in the United States second guessing what really happened. Barry W. Marple President, AMCM Association