Jodi Hoffman <jlhoffm@ibm.net> wrote:
Try as I might, I cannot forget standing on the steps of the Supreme Court building with my husband and 10 year old daughter in the freezing drizzle.
I'm sure that your daughter can't forget such an obvious example of child abuse either. Perhaps someone should inform the BATF?
Don't you realize that YOU are a major reason for the downward spiral of society?
Don't tell them or they'll all want one...
Studies have shown that an event which lasts even so much as three-tenths of a second, within five to ten minutes has produced a structural change in the brain.
Studies have shown that anti-porn rhetoric kills babies and causes cancer in lab rats. Which studies? The ones I just made up... of course your comment isn't a total lie, it's just a blatant and, frankly, inept attempt to twist reality to support your cause. The human brain is a neural network; any data entering into it changes its structure. Which leads to the inevitable conclusion that: Exposure to anti-porn rhetoric causes actual brain damage, especially in a child.
So, keep protecting your porn-induced orgasms. That's exactly what happened with the Hitler youth, etc...
I think you'll find that the Hitler Youth were too busy burning 'pornography' to read it, though I guess burning books may have given them orgasms. Many people seem to have the hots for it, after all.
[Rest deleted; I'm glad to see that the revolution is proceeding as planned. I'll mention you at the next Illuminati Grand Council.]
Ah, this is where I come in; I have, sadly, been neglecting my cypherpunk duties lately because I've been spending too much time on film-making. You see, I have this dream; I want to make a movie of the entire Bible, and not the old Charlton Heston version, but totally unexpurgated, keeping entirely to the text, including all those embarassing bits about Lot's daughters screwing their father while he slept in order to have his children ('No, no your honor, it wasn't me, they did it to me in my sleep'), men who are hung like stallions, and babies having their brains bashed out of their skulls. Why? Because I want to see the religious censors squirm... I do so enjoy their anti-porn and anti-violence rants when they're pushing one of the most violent and pornographic novels ever written.
Jodi Hoffman R.A.M.P. http://www.gocin.com/ramp Victimization of Children/Research & Education Council of America
Excuse me? You're part of the 'Victimization of Children Council'? You mean child victimizers have their own lobby group these days? Boy, ain't America wonderful? Mark