-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 At 07:48 AM 9/22/97 +0000, Tim May wrote:
At 12:14 PM -0700 9/20/97, Will Rodger wrote:
One of the main assertions made by both sides in the privacy battles is people must be informed when a third party is gathering "personal" information about them.
I don't know which two sides are the "both sides" you'r describing, but "my side" believes no such thing.
Both sides, in this case, is pretty much everyone at the FTC roundtable last June. The one exception I recall is the position taken by the Competitive Enterprise Institute. The CEI took the position that no regulation at all was needed and that marketplace forces would police the Net. Their view, for better or worse, is not very visible elsewhere. Another solution, of course, is a techno-arms race solution to privacy. That works for readers of this list, but that's not who the FTC worries about. Libertarians will, of course, shudder at the notion that they should. -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: PGP for Personal Privacy 5.0 Charset: noconv iQA/AwUBNCaCENZgKT/Hvj9iEQKHVACfaDOopCNdjgRn+GbF+JieznWQ+1UAoI+r BHcfSL4Ns1bl9hAO2KOPYV+a =G/I3 -----END PGP SIGNATURE----- Will Rodger Voice: +1 202-408-7027 Washington Bureau Chief Fax: +1 202-789-2036 Inter@ctive Week http://www.interactiveweek.com A Ziff-Davis Publication PGP 5.0: 584D FD11 3035 0EC2 B35C AB16 D660 293F C7BE 3F62 PGP 2.6.2: D83D 0095 299C 2505 25FA 93FE DDF6 9B5F