At 11:16 PM 6/27/97 -0500, Igor Chudov @ home wrote:
Making explosives is very dangerous even if the recipes are right. I personally knew many kids who lost fingers, eyes and other body organs due to careless handling of homemade explosives. Probably, the important thing to do before bombmaking is to learn the safety rules.
I would urge anyone interested in explosives, but unfamiliar with them, to first read the following books before attempting any recipes out of the "Anarchist's Cookbook" and similar publications. Your extremities/eyes/health will thank you. TM 31-210 Army Technical Manual "Improvised Munitions Handbook" TM 31-201-1 Army Technical Manual "Unconventional Warfare Devices and Techniques: Incendiaries" Both paperbacks can be purchased at any gun show for about $5 each. You also should take a look at the "ATF - Explosives Law and Regulation" aka "The Orange Book". It is available for free at any ATF field office. No, they won't ask for ID. In fact, they couldn't care less who comes by to pick up a copy. Be safe, --Lucky Green <shamrock@netcom.com> PGP encrypted mail preferred. DES is dead! Please join in breaking RC5-56. http://rc5.distributed.net/