At 08:01 PM 11/16/97 -0800, Lucky Green wrote:
At 07:47 PM 11/16/97 -0800, Alan Olsen wrote:
From what I have read of the license it is against the license agreement to ship the libraries on a CD of shareware products for which a price is charged.
o There is typically an exemption in license agreements for distribution of software that charges nominal media costs. If PGP overlooked this, it can be added trivially. No need to get excited about it.
I know that, you know that, but do the lawyers know that? Shareware and freeware share the same distribution channels, so it is a problem for freeware until the licence gets upgraded.
o The current license agreement for the PGPsdk is for use freeware only. The license agreement for shareware has not yet been made public (=been written).
I know that. I just find the current versions on the licence agreement to be not well thought out. I expect similar problems to be found in the shareware licence. By version 2.x of the license agreement, I expect it to be something that will not make problems for freeware/shareware developers. [Note: I am not claiming consipracy or illwill by PGP in this matter. This stuff just reads like the lawyers had not quite enough understanding of the issues when they wrote this. Could be worse, Borland has had some pretty unworkable license restrictions. And I won't even get into Microsoft...] --- | "That'll make it hot for them!" - Guy Grand | |"The moral PGP Diffie taught Zimmermann unites all| Disclaimer: | | mankind free in one-key-steganography-privacy!" | Ignore the man | |`finger -l alano@teleport.com` for PGP 2.6.2 key | behind the keyboard.| | http://www.ctrl-alt-del.com/~alan/ |alan@ctrl-alt-del.com|