Spamming is an 'imaginary' felony, as are anonymity and encryption. No, its actually theft of services.
Generally, it's neither one, but it is a rude imposition on the reader's attention, and may also increase costs to the user or the user's service provider. So what's an anarchist like me doing saying that the government can help? Well, they can help by getting out of the way. Currently, there are laws against breaking into computer systems and against denial of service attacks; they can be Federal felonies. As a modest proposal, I would suggest that the government allow anyone who's been sent unwanted bits by a spammer to send any unwanted bits they feel like in return. Maybe Spamford doesn't want chain letters about "Make Pings Of Death Fast" or "Free Live Chat With Real Spammers!" but spammers really aren't in any position to complain. ---------------- There's also http://www.iks-jena.de/mitarb/lutz/usenet/teergrube.en.html Thanks! Bill Bill Stewart, bill.stewart@pobox.com PGP Fingerprint D454 E202 CBC8 40BF 3C85 B884 0ABE 4639