-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 Tim wrote:
Several of us were in the Sierras this past weekend for a training session on weapons use, explosives, terrorism measures, and methods for monkey wrenching the U.S. government so as to paralyze its police state moves.
For security reasons, the location was not publicized.
So why are you publicizing it after the fact? Is it really worth the risk you're taking by mentioning it just to respond to a taunt by some ignorant smugster behind a remailer? If questioning your commitment is all it takes to push your buttons, I'd say that's less than optimal. I'm sure anyone who bears ill-will to the group is finding this whole thread quite instructive--undoubtedly the point of the original post in the first place. Good show. How sickening to think that now you have to worry about getting anti-paramilitary training statutes dumped on you (on top of anything else) just because a few people couldn't resist showing up a stupid troll. Even worse,in true "have you stopped beating your wife" fashion, it makes it appear that everyone who posts here and is passionate about encryption is doing something rightfully covered by the sedtion laws, which couldn't be further from the truth. I resent this profoundly, but I'll talk about what and why I do what I do (or don't do) on my own time, not as a response to someone baiting me. No need to be on such a hair trigger: the archives speak for themselves. For you to keep tossing out all this sucker-bait-for-feds in the name of furthering your one-man strategic deterrence campaign is a bit excessive. Once you've established your credibility there's no real reason to keep raising the stakes. Especially not in response to someone blowing virtual spitwads at you from behind a remailer. Here's hoping your temper doesn't get the better of you. ~Faustine. *** The right to be let alone is indeed the beginning of all freedoms. - --William O. Douglas, Associate Justice, US Supreme Court -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: PGPsdk version 1.7.1 (C) 1997-1999 Network Associates, Inc. and its affiliated companies. (Diffie-Helman/DSS-only version) iQA/AwUBO/Ba5vg5Tuca7bfvEQILpQCgyskPRaOtobm5RT15ikyYUbG1/0IAoJEk XBhgBhj8Ff/etP9ODTWuiTjv =mPTL -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----