this week i am getting all my ducks in a row so that this weekend i can hole up and sew myself some desperately needed skirts for church and summer
i have never been an animal person i swore id never have a dog who wants to pick up poop not me but somehow in my baby hungry weakness i was convinced to relent by the other two mccalebs who said they desperately needed a puppy fine whatever just take care of her and pick up the poop
im loving babies & mamas sunshine happy rooms and cool colors
but the main thing i love about this picture is tree cover you can see in the upper right corner thats how it was all around the block even on really hot days you could find a great place to play in some serious shade everyone had a huge tree or trees somewhere on their property and bushes and ivy and a great variety of things the only reason we had those young trees on the corner was because my mom sold our big palm tree to some palm springs landscapers ha
a little note for my valentine
a few months in the life of this infertile girl
cate chose these pretty little traditional valentines cards from bunny cakes i love them
it made me happy
ten months after we were married i was a stay at home mom living the student life again while grant went back to school a few months later another unplanned event- my mom passed away suddenly
different boyfriends came and went through all this some i thought i could marry some i was mad at myself for hanging around some that broke my heart
from anthro
one thing i enjoy about facebook is the old pictures that friends and fam upload to walk down memory lane together with you
but we feel more blessed and amazed than ever at lifes unexpected twists and turns and how happy we are that there is a loving heavenly father that understands the little picture we have in our minds for our lives and gently and lovingly helps us change our vision to a masterpiece i really love life
Ill show you what ive been working on soon- theyre presents and i have to give them away first have a nice monday
plan to be surprised
a conversation today
at 18 i planned to live the tahoe hippie life forever one day i felt compelled i knew it i just had to leave i packed up my car and moved to the central coast
my room is clean and im knitting
well as it turns out it was me who needed her the most i think if the test of the greatest among us is the one who will be the servant than penny wins in this houseok animal peoplei get it i really really get it
again happy things