the S EC A ct of 193 4. Sta tements that involve discussions with respect to project ions of future events are not statements of historical fact and may be forward looking statements. Don't rely on them to make a decision. This company does not report under the Exc hange Ac t of 19 34. Past performance is never indica tive of future resu ts. We have received seven million free trading shares from a third party, not an officer, director or affiliate shareholder. We intend to sell all seven million shares now, which could cause the stock to go down, resulting in losses for you. This company has: no cash, large long term debt and an accumulated deficit. These facto rs raise substantial doubt about its ability to continue as a going concern. It is an operating, revenue producing company. A failure to finance could cause the company to go out of business. This is a penny stock and is a high risk security. This report shall not be construed as any kind of investment advice or solicitation. Urgent: Please, Please read the company's annual and quarterly reports before you invest. {%END_BASE64%}%