On Fri, May 09, 2003 at 09:29:33AM -0700, Major Variola (ret) wrote:
At 09:26 PM 5/8/03 -0500, Harmon Seaver wrote:
And as I said before, the mosquitoes really aren't that bad, just quit swatting at them. I'll take bugs over smokers anytime.
My serious point is 1. you don't need to hunt for mushrooms to live
No, but I did spend 20 years of my life working outside all day, the last 15 of those as a logger in north of Lk. Superior in MN. Awesome bugs.
2. you haven't had children die from mosquito bites
True. I did lose an awful lot of sled dog puppys and other animals (baby goats and rabbits) and get very sick myself from tick-borne Lyme's disease tho, before they knew what it even was, but I don't advocate chemical spraying for deer ticks.
3. you/yours have access to western med if you get mosquito-vectored diseases
Yah, well, for as much good as it did me. Spent 8 days at Mayo and they didn't have a clue, wasn't diagnosed until two years later, two years of being pretty much totally disabled.
Contrast with the state of much of the population.. They would roast all the gnatcatchers to live better and not blink an eye. Dodo burger, anyone?
That hasn't been my experience with most backwoods people. -- Harmon Seaver CyberShamanix http://www.cybershamanix.com