http://dimacs.rutgers.edu/drei/1997/schedule/DREI97_ad_Research.htm DIMACS Research & Education Institute DREI 97 Cryptography and Network Security July 28 - August 15, 1997 Rutgers University, NJ Speakers and papers (abstracts available at the site): Martin Abadi, Digital Systems Research Center, DEC "Strengthening Passwords" Ross Anderson, Cambridge University, "Medical Records Security" and "Steganography" Alex Biryukov, Technion "Cryptanalysis of the Portz Interconnection-Network Block-Cipher" and "Cryptanalysis of RC5" Daniel Bleichenbacher, Bell Labs "Comparing RSA and RSA-Type Cryptosystems Over Elliptic Curves" Gilles Brassard, University of Montreal "The Impact of Quantum Mechanics on Cryptology" Ran Canetti, IBM "Towards Realizing Random Oracles: Hash Functions That Hide All Partial Information" and "On the Adaptive Security of Multiparty Protocols" Benny Chor, Technion "Private Information Retrieval" Claude Crepeau, Universite de Montreal "Cryptographic Power of Noisy Channel" Cynthia Dwork, IBM "Positive Applications to Lattices of Cryptography" Carl Ellison, Cybercash, Working Cryptanalysis of the German Enigma" and Key Management in the Post-Identity Era" Yair Frankel, Sandia "New Techniques for Sharing Cryptographic Functions" Matthew Franklin, AT&T Labs - Research, "Ecash and the Power of Positive Paranoia" Rosario Gennaro, IBM "How to Sign Digital Streams" Stuart Haber, Surety Technologies, "Ensuring the Integrity of Records On Line: How to Time-Stamp a Digital Document" Jack Lacey, AT&T Labs - Research, "Music on the Internet and the Intellectual Property Protection Problem" Susan Landau, University of Massachusetts at Amherst "Cryptology, Technology and Policy" David P. Maher, AT&T Labs - Research "Security Models for Partially Accounted E-Cash Systems" Dalia Malkhi, AT&T Labs - Research "Auditable Metering with Lightweight Security" Moni Naor, The Weizmann Institute "A Formal Teatment of Remotely Keyed Encryption" Hilaire Orman, DARPA "The Imperfection of Secrecy in Real Network Protocols" Pino Persiano, University of Salerno "A Transparent Distributed Cryptographic Filesystem" and "Randomness-Efficient Non-Interactive Zero-Knowledge Proofs" Marcus Ranum, Network Flight Recorder, Inc., "Hacking and Networked Terrorism" and "Problems with the Firewall Concept" Mike Reiter, AT&T Labs - Research "Toward Acceptable Metrics of Authentication" Fred Schneider, Cornell University "Mobile Code Security Issues" Rich Schroeppel, University of Arizona "Fast Arithmetic in GF[2^156]" Adi Shamir, The Weizmann Institute "A New Paradigm for Massively Parallel Random Search" and "Cryptanalytic Fault Attacks" Martin Strauss, AT&T Labs - Research "Proxy Cryptography" and "A Formal Teatment of Transactional Trust Management" Edlyn Teske, University of Manitoba "Space Efficient Group Structure Computation Using Pollard's $\rho$-Method"