4 Mar
4 Mar
11:58 a.m.
Just a note... to save people some time... The fields for those additions to the magic file must be seperated by TABs.... --- Nick MacDonald | NMD on IRC i6t4@jupiter.sun.csd.unb.ca | PGP 2.1 Public key available via finger On Wed, 3 Mar 1993, Peter & wrote:
# pgp hacks 0 short 0x9900 pgp key public ring 0 short 0x9501 pgp key security ring 0 string -----BEGIN\040PGP pgp armored data
15 string PUBLIC\040KEY\040BLOCK- public key blocK 15 string MESSAGE- message 15 string SIGNED\040MESSAGE- signed message 15 string PGP\040SIGNATURE- signature #