On Sunday 04 May 2003 12:05, Tim May wrote: (To summarize: the youth culture of 1966-1980 was statist rather than libertarian.)
"Eat the rich!" came out of that era.
One of my catch-phrases is "eat the poor". This is a combination of letting the poor pay back the productive part of society for the welfare they'd sponged, and a response to the "eating animals is cruel" crowd. Similarly, I proposed to stop benefits to the elderly after they'd taken out all the Social Security they'd put in (plus interest). That was met with howls of protest, so I proposed a no-bag-limit open season on geezers. "Eat the old!" (Believe it or not, I'm viewed as unelectable... But that's ok, I don't want elected office, I just want to shake up the comfortable one-party no-debate shoo-ins that have been the norm in every city in which I've ever lived.) I'm a bit younger than the youth Tim mentioned above, and while my proposals above were not entirely serious, I think the yells of the students a few decades ago were serious. I surely have no patience with the statist mind-set of the boomers. -- Steve Furlong Computer Condottiere Have GNU, Will Travel Guns will get you through times of no duct tape better than duct tape will get you through times of no guns. -- Ron Kuby