Epilogue 7.3 Rev. 2.7-SPACE ALIENS HIDE MY DRUGS!!! ___________________________________________________ I'm in an apologetic mood this morning, so I would like to take this opportunity to tell those who I have offended in the past, and those who I may offend in the future by my boorish behavior which reflects a total lack of both character and proper upbringing... Well, I'd like to tell them all to "FUCK OFF AND DIE!" Nothing personal, gang, but as some famous guy once said, "He who excuses, accuses." ~ Some famous guy... I really should apologize for being too fucking lazy to grab a pitchfork and go through my filing system to properly attribute the quote above...but I won't. You see, I have no social skills. None. Nada. Null. I should also apologize for never having made an effort to acquire proper social skills...but I won't. In a society in which Finger Pointing (TM) is endemic among those who harbor a secret desire to live in a world epitomized by the movie, 'The Running Man', it borders on self-abuse to add to the mountains of accusations that society already heaps upon one for even the smallest of deviations from a 'norm' which is widely held up to be 'common sense' / 'the way things are' / 'obvious to any decent, God Fearing [Your nationality or religion here] individual'. Being a Deviant From The NormChomsky School of Social UnSchooling ('Norm' is unlikely to lay awake at night waiting for the phone to ring, in order to receive my apology for fucking up his name), I have long recognized that those who consider themselves to be 'God fearing Americans' are, in actuality, often 'Dog fearing Americans' whose beliefs and actions are the result, not of a fear of 'Holy God' roasting their sorry, morally sinning ass, but rather, the result of the fear of the 'Unholy Dog', who is at the end of the leash being held by the Enforcers of Law and Order, Family Values, Cryptography Export Regulations and the Eleventh Commandment (EveryThingNotPermittedIsForbidden). It's a predatory universe, and the human animal is the chief predator. (A fact that would be readily confirmed by Ms. PARKER of TV's latest biosemiotic hint of man's future evolution, 'Prey'.) 'World's Scariest Police Chases' is nothing more than a pilot program for a variety of 'Running Man Electronic Realities' which are only waiting for proper technological development and implementation before John and Jane Savage will be able to tune their Infrared Digital Brain Implant in the proper channel where they can hear the scream of the tires and feel the wetness of the blood as a car full of teenagers slams into a concrete wall while trying to flee the deadly hunting hounds who are trained to both instill and track the scent of fear in their prey. What is a human life worth? Apparently, it is worth less than the cost of a minor traffic ticket, whether it is the life of the person who failed to signal their turn (even though there was no moving traffic anywhere in sight), or the life of some unfortunate child who crossed the street at an inopportune time, on their way home to their birthday party. Of course, to be fair, we must keep in mind that the person fleeing the minor traffic offense may be a pedophile, and if the death of an innocent child saves the life of just one innocent child...uuhhh...never mind... Don't hold your breath waiting for 'World's Scariest Police Chases Resulting In The Deaths Of Innocent Bystanders.' (Can you say "Watch me and I'll bleed you 'cause you eat the shit I feed you...And when somebody's mother gets machine gunned in the street, we'll send some Joker with a Brownie, so you'll see it all, complete...?" Sure you can...) The price of a human life is just as cheap in America as it is in what are held to be 'less civilized' areas of the world, but the advertising experts and spin-doctors in charge of 'Manufacturing Consent' in the American people for submissive subjugation to Heavily Armed Thugs have had the advantage of decades of experience in exercising Control Over Access To Information and thus shape the jigs upon which our Consent To Agree To 'The Way Things Are' is Manufactured at any given point in time. The danger that Unregulated Access To Information presents to the current structure of government, business and society, is that it allows any member of the human race to participate in the Manufacturing of Consent as to what is acceptable and what is unacceptable in the areas of our life which are shared with various layers of the Social Onion. For instance, this very missive might be seen as an attempt by the Author to Manufacture Consent for any individuals who feel their life is threatened by the dangerous driving of law enforcement personnel to 'pop a cap' in their ignorant brains as they drive by, if the threat they pose to one's safety can be removed with little likelyhood of endangering others. Remember, 'If it saves the life of a single child...' The size, shape, function, model number and serial number of Consent depends largely on where, how and by whom it is Manufactured. How the fuck did WeTheSheeple manage to allow ourselves to be manipulated into giving our Consent for Janet Reno to slaughter a spiritual community of men, women and children who died a horrible, screaming, fiery death for holding unconventional religious views? How the fuck did WeTheSheeple manage to sit up straight in our chairs and quit fidgeting, while giving our Consent for the mainstream media to feed us Law and Order pamphlets handed out by the same Department of Justice criminal monsters who slaughtered our fellow citizens? How the fuck do WeTheSheeple manage to watch dozens of police cars endangering the public with their dangerous driving in order to prevent a single vehicle from endangering the public and manage to give our Consent for them turning traffic rules into excuses for violating the Constitutional rights of the citizens and using deadly force against anyone who attempts to avoid violation of their civil rights and affronts to their human dignity? Vin ThePolishKike, who I revere for the sanity and wisdom which he brings to his Mountain Media News releases (even though I'm too lazy to look up how to spell his unAmerican name, and can't resist taking a few cheap, racist shots at him just to attempt to suitably repay him for his contributions to our Biosemiotic Evolution by helping to ensure that he will 'Never Forget'), has not been remiss in exercising his Dog-given right to participate in the Manufacturing of Consent, by expessing the view (which I am about to badly misquote), "We have reached the point where it is morally right to shoot the bastards, but it is not yet feasible to do so." "Who will help me to Manufacture Consent to Nuke DC?" said the little Red May. "Who will help me Manufacture Consent to engage the bastards in a continuous rEvolutionary battle where our targets are chosen, as much as possible, rather than being just random victims of misguided rage?" said the little White Weber. "Who will help me Manufacture Consent to avoid endangering innocent children by refusing to drive dangerously in order to escape the armed thugs, and instead seizing every safe opportunity to resist their oppression by stealth and craftiness, if possible, but by violence and death, if necessary?" said the little Black ArmyOfDogMongrel. As a member of the Congress of WeThePeople who have as much right to Manufacture Consent as do the members of the corrupt Congress of WeTheSheepShearers, I am casting my vote upon the waters of opinion in favor of restoring the right of WeThePeople to individually and collectively institute the Death Penalty for Oppressors. I am adding my voice to those of others with the wisdom and courage to do their part in Manufacturing Consent for their fellow citizens to stop and shake the hand of the individual who took the time and trouble to 'pop a cap' in the brains of the dangerous armed thugs endangering the populace with their stupidity and carelessness in matching the insanity of those they claim to be protecting us from. The next time you have an opportunity to watch 'The Running Man', make a point of noticing that the 'contestants' haven't been brainwashed into meekly submitting to whatever form of armed violence is directed toward them for their real or imagined crimes. And make a point of noticing who your heart, mind and soul are rooting for... Then ask yourself if you want to live a life where you meekly submit to all manner of affronts to your rights and human dignity, while numbing yourself to 'the way things are In Reality' by opiating your psyche with Digital Emmisions from the Puppet Masters which are designed to use Virtual Reality to compensate for the thoughts and emotions you are required to suppress and deny in your Physical, Emotional and Mental Daily Realities. Thelma and Louise had the right idea...they just should have waited until there was a cherry-top in front of them...