High Paul, On Fri, 6 Jun 1997, Paul Bradley wrote:
How long have you been on this list? Clearly not long enough.
I've not been long enough on this list for what ? Don't know about you, but imvho violence is not a right solution. I will never be long enough on this list to change my mind on that.
Tims post made a good point, people soon forget the causes of conflict and only see the effects, today, hardly anyone in the UK sees the IRA as an organisation devoted to liberating NI, merely a bunch of thugs. Of course they have brought this on themselves by indiscriminately blowing things up. Talking of which the Queen is visiting Hastings (a town about
I must admit that it has helped quite a lot, those bombs. Expecially for the building sector.
5 miles from me) today, I hope the IRA blow her up...
How much must you hate someone to wish him/her dead ? Have you ever been 'contronted' with dead, Paul ? Someone of your friends, relatives, ... who died, perhaps ? How can you wish some other human being the same ? What if the IRA would blow up the queen ? I guess Charles is the next to step on then ? What a progress !! Havalook at Kongo: Mobutu has gone. Much better now ! After several thousands were killed, the new president gives his first orders: "women should not wear tight shirts anymore (I thought they were supposed to take them off, but...) nor should they act in a sensual way. Right, violence is at least A solution. But for what ? BTW, I'd be very interested if you would care telling something more about Northern Ireland. That's where you live I guess ? Are you "Catholic" or "Protestant" ? kr= \\\___/// \\ - - // ( @ @ ) +---------------oOOo-(_)-oOOo-------------+ | kris carlier - carlier@iguana.be | | Hiroshima 45, Tsjernobyl 86, Windows 95 | | Linux, the choice of a GNU gener8ion | | SMS: +32-75-61.43.05 | +------------------------Oooo-------------+ oooO ( ) ( ) ) / \ ( (_/ \_)