Bryan, What you did may be the ideal way to go actually. It would be great to have several NNTP servers with these (or similarly named) groups open to the world. I believe that it is possible to set them up such that they feed each other. say, the following groups may be good: cypherpunks.crypto cypherpunks.politics cypherpunks.flames cypherpunks.products cypherpunks.pgp (sort of redundant with the pgp newsgroups) cypherpunks.groups cypherpunks.admin cypherpunks.kooks cypherpunks.remailers cypherpunks.paranoia (or cypherpunks.tla) cypherpunks.politics.assassination cypherpunks.censorship (the following part is more questionable as some people would argue in favor of nocems) cypherpunks.moderated.sandy-sandfort cypherpunks.moderated.ray-arachelian cypherpunks.moderated.tim-may cypherpunks.moderated.... whoever else wants ... igor Bryan Reece wrote:
Date: Wed, 12 Feb 1997 14:33:03 -0800 From: Greg Broiles <>
Yes, I installed INN and ran a few hundred test messages through it last night. My machine will be on the net full-time Thursday or Friday. Will yours be ready then, too?
We've got INN here. I created a cpunks.general group (as well as alt.cypherpunks) on and made both world-accessible. Our feed hasn't got alt.cypherpunks yet; is someone who has got it willing to feed it? (also, is there a consensus on what group names to use: new top-level hierarchy? cpunks or cypherpunks? or just the alt group, with the usual propagation and spam problems?)
- Igor.