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We're Happy to Help
Last month when all flights were grounded, Karen from San Francisco was worried about her flight to London, scheduled for September 14. She told us:

"Thank you so much for your compassion and helpfulness. When you contacted me immediately to reschedule my flight and there were no hassles, I was so relieved - it made such a difference. You can bet I'll use Hotwire again and tell my friends about your great deals and fantastic customer service."
We'd love to hear from you! Tell us your Hotwire story.

We're happy to report that our standard policies and operations are back in place. Our Customer Care team thanks you for your patience during last month's challenges.

Visit Loved Ones And Save

Dear Joe,
Now is a great time to reconnect with family and friends. And Hotwire Hot-Faressm and Hot-Ratessm are better than ever. So when you're ready to make travel plans -- for the holidays or a friendly get-together -- Hotwire is ready to get you a great deal. Why not check a Hot-Faresm today?


Family Sized Savings
Right now Hotwire Hot-Ratessm are lower than they've ever been - even at top hotels! Book your room now to lock in these terrific rates. Get a Hot-Ratesm today!

Check out these recently purchased Hot-Ratessm:*
Hotel Deals

Car Rentals

Drive a Comfortable Bargain
With low Hotwire Hot-Ratessm, rent a Full-size car for the price of a Compact. Even when you're on the road, you can get away in comfort. Book a Hot-Ratesm now!

Check out these recently purchased Hot-Ratessm:*
Car Deals


Save Even More Right Now
Hotwire Hot-Faressm are better than ever, so now's a great time to visit friends or make holiday travel plans for the whole family. Book a Hot-Faresmnow!

Check out these recently purchased Hot-Faressm:*
Flight Deals

Share the Savings
Thinking about getting together with friends and family? Forward these deals so they can visit
you and save with Hotwire Hot-Faressm - even at the last minute.

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* Actual round-trip airfare, hotel and car rental purchases made on Hotwire in 9/01. Prices subject to change and availability and may not represent current prices. Airfares may have required advance purchase and/or Saturday night stay. Air savings calculated against lowest published fare available in Sabre reservation system at time of booking. Hotel savings calculated against hotels' pre-tax published rate. Airfares shown include all taxes and fees, while hotel and car rental rates shown do not.

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