On Fri, 11 Apr 2003, Major Variola (ret) wrote:
What is up with looting hospitals? I can see grabbing the fun meds, but the rest of it?
Obviously, you are not thinking this through: these folks are not looking for recreationals, they are looking for materials that could save their lives. The deacade long sanctions, followed up by our Deserter-In-Chief's 80 billion dollar temper tantrum leaves little doubt in my mind that a couple of pounds of a 3rd generation cephalosporin is likely to be worth more than a tank full of "fun meds". In their position, I'd be looting the hospitals too: ultrawide spectrum antibiotics, atropine, a small stash of potent narcotics (a mix of a long acting prep, such as methadone for use over days or weeks, and some short actings like straight morphine for the early moments), a couple of bottles of saline, and some basic kit items (suture, sponges, etc.)... To hell with recreation: these are people worried about *survival*.
Who do they think they're screwing with this?
What makes you think that "they" are doing this to "screw with" someone?
Looting govt offices is just payback, like bombing an IRS office.
Looting merchants is just lowlife theivery, like Los Angeles, unless the merchants were state-licensed or pro-state, in which case payback may also be involved.
Agreed twice. <drivel elided> -- Yours, J.A. Terranson sysadmin@mfn.org